
Titre Auteur(s) et compositeur(s) Interprète(s)
Irie Feelin La Chango Family
Irie Feeling Kaliroots
Iris Jim Guthrie Jim Guthrie
Irish Jorane Jorane
Irish clogs Jean Carignan
Irish Frog Dance Michel Cusson Michel Cusson
Irish lady Pierre Robichaud
Irish medley: Jigs Jean Carignan
Irish medley: Reels Jean Carignan
Irish washwoman jig La famille Soucy
Irishing gypsy Richard Désilets Richard Désilets
The irishman (Gigue) alice gigue (Gigue) Marcel Carignan
Les Irlandaises et le coq Le Rêve du Diable
Irlande Jean-François Groulx
Irleen curran Philippe Bruneau
Irma la douce Louise Forestier
Irna Le Cirque du Soleil et Benoit Jutras
Iron gang Voïvod Voïvod
Irons nous tous au combat Jamil Jamil
L’iroquois Luc Aulivier / Michel Laurent Michel Laurent
Iroquois Lullaby Stephen Eisenhauer Natalie Choquette
Irréelle Pierre F Côté / Breen LeBoeuf Breen LeBoeuf
Irrémédiablerie Plume Latraverse Plume Latraverse
Irréparables erreurs Steve Hill / Éric Lavallée Steve Hill
L’irrésistible Ken Rose / Roch Voisine Roch Voisine
Irrésistiblement Chantal Renaud
Irresponsable Michel Duguay / Jonathan Painchaud Okoumé
Irrévocable Daniel DeShaime Belgazou
Is a rose petal of the dying crimson light Tim Hecker Tim Hecker
Is anything wrong Lhasa de Sela Lhasa de Sela
Is but a simulated blur Tim Hecker Tim Hecker
Is it all america’s fault? Charles Prévost-Linton
Is it because i’m black? Ken Boothe / Glenn Watts Tiken Jah Fakoly
Is it love i feel (or courage i lack) Lennie Gallant
Is it over now? Neil Chotem
Is it tearing you apart? Below the Sea Below the Sea
Is she as beautiful as me? Lewis Furey
Is that all there is Misses Satchmo
Is that for me? Jim Guthrie / J.J. Ipsen Jim Guthrie et J.J. Ipsen
Is that the end? Plajia
I’s the B’y that Builds the Boat
Is there anybody there? Aldo Nova Aldo Nova
Is this what you call love? André Courcy / Martin Courcy / Jenny Salgado Jenny Salgado
Is this what you wanted Leonard Cohen Leonard Cohen
Is you is or is you ain’t my baby? Billy Austin / Louis Jordan Émilie-Claire Barlow
Isa David Étienne
Isabeau Bertrand Gosselin et Marie-Claire Séguin
Isabeau Les Collégiens Troubadours
Isabeau Breton-Cyr
Isabeau Traditionnel Yves Cloutier, Ensemble Claude-Gervaise et Richard Toupin